Marine Structures and Manufacturing Engineering Group

 | Post date: 2020/12/23 | 
Akbar Esfandiari
Academic Degree  Assistant Professor
Phone Number  (+9821) 64545041
Educational Record  Ph.D. from Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran -Iran
Research Fields
  • Condition Monitoring in Structures
  • Vibration
Ashkan Babazadeh
Academic Degree  Assistant Professor
Phone Number  (+9821)
Educational Record  Ph.D. from Amirkabir University of Technology- Tehran -Iran
Research Fields
  • Design, Construction and Installation of Ships and Offshore Structures
  • Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Defected Marine Structures
  • Fracture Mechanics 
  • Non-linear Finite Element Analysis
Mohammad Reza Khedmati
Academic Degree  Professor
Phone Number  (+9821) 64543113
Educational Record  Dr. Eng. from Hiroshima University - Hiroshima  -Japan
Research Fields
  • Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Plated Structures
  • Limit Loads and their Effects on Plated Structures
  • Finite Element Method and its Applications in Design and Analysis of Ships and Offshore Structures
Mehdi Saeed Kiasat
Academic Degree  Associate Professor
Phone Number  (+9821) 64543115 
Educational Record  Ph.D. from Technical University of Delft - Delft -Netherlands
Research Fields
  • Marine Composite Materials and Structures
  • Viscoelastic  Behaviour of Composite Materials
  • Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
  • Finite Element Method in Nonlinear Problems
Mohammad Javad Motamedi
Academic Degree  Lecturer
Phone Number  (+9821) 64543122 
Educational Record  M.Sc. From Shahid Beheshti Uniersity - Tehran - Iran
  •  Port Design and Planning
Ahmad Rahbar Ranji
Academic Degree  Associate Professor
Phone Number  (+9821) 64543114 
Educational Record  Ph.D. from Yokohama National University - Yokohama -Japan
Research Fields
  • Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Buckling and Ultimate Strength of Plates and Beams
  • Corrosion and its Effect on the Strength of Structures
Mesbah Sayehbani (Bandarabbas Campus)
Academic Degree  Assistant Professor
Phone Number  (+9821) 64543115 
Educational Record  Ph.D. Technical University of Warwick- Coventry -UK
Research Fields
  • Ship Manufacturing Technology
  • Traditional Ships
  • Marine Environment

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