Mega Projects and Industry

 | Post date: 2021/04/24 | 
  1. Development of National Regulations for the Implementation of International Conventions (SOLAS)
  2. Development of propeller software for based on thrust force (electric thrust system)
  3. Development of instructions for calculating the minimum seabed clearance in channels
  4. Development of software for structural design of vessels based on classification ruls and stress analysis
  5. Development of technical knowledge of structural design and structural strength assessment of vessels
  6. Analysis and design of a pair of composite propeller and development of its technical knowledge
  7. Investigation of environmental effects of hazardous waste from marine transportation in the Persian Gulf based on the OPRC / HNS protocol
  8. Needs assessment, conceptual design and supervision of construction and testing of vessel models
  9. Development of measuringsystems for the behavior of vessels
  10. Design and construction of measuringsystems for the behavior of vessels
  11. Analysis of marine accidents in I.R.Iran with emphasis on Bandar Abbas region
  12. Reduction of distortion and deformation in the construction of vessels
  13. Calculation of maneuverability of vessels
  14. Conceptual design of sound reflection chamber (in marine environment)
  15. Investigation of noise reduction methods inpropellers
  16. Design marine ambulance vessel
  17. Feasibility study and conceptual design for numerical simulation of waves in transom
  18. Structural analysis of a vessel with 1500 hp engine
  19. Preparation of a comprehensive feasibility, technical and economic study for the construction of a shipyard for construction and repair
  20. Development of propeller design software
  21. Effect of Chloride Ion on Separating Containers of Unit 200 and Gas Transmission Lines from Wells to Sarkhon Gas Refinery, Bandar Abbas, Iran
  22. Determination of corrosion parameters in the Caspian Sea
  23. Development of guidelines for the construction of vessels
  24. Manufacture of automatic hardness testing apparatus (40/794)
  25. Performing hydroelastic coupled analysis of a semi-submersible propeller
  26. Research in the six-degree  freedom model considering environmental forces for a planing  vessels
  27. Structural design and construction of a pair of propeller from composite materials
  28. Study of life and fatigue deterioration in composite propellers
  29. Hydrodaynamic analysis  of water jet in order to design the inlet duct and select the best vertical location according to different floating operating conditions
  30. Comparison and analysis of laser , underwater plasma and waterjet cutting methods on steel sheets and presenting the best cutting method
  31. Investigation of the effect of coastal humidity on the coating parameters of vessels
  32. Preliminary design of vessels
  33. Quality assurance, strength and crack investigation in the foundation of high structures of the refinery #1
  34. Research and study of corrosion and rust of new equipment in comparison with older metal equipment
  35. Research and feasibility study of using nanotechnology coatings to prevent corrosion and wear of fittings
  36. Hydraulic studies, hydrology and registration of methanol offshore terminal of Siraf Energy Investment Company in 15 km west of Dayer port in Bushehr province

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